داستان آبیدیک

time series data


1 کامپیوتر و شبکه:: داده‌های سری زمانی، داده‌های سری زمانی

Chapter 8: Forecasting: Breathe Easy, You Can't Win The Sword Trade Is Hopping Getting Acquainted with Time Series Data Starting Slow with Simple Exponential Smoothing You Might Have a Trend Working with time series data, detecting trends and seasonal patterns, and forecasting with exponential smoothing Future time series data can and will look different than the data you've observed before. Getting Acquainted with Time Series Data As mentioned earlier in this chapter, data like this-observations over regular time intervals-is called time series data.،Chapter 8: Forecasting: Breathe Easy, You Can't Win The Sword Trade Is Hopping Getting Acquainted with Time Series Data Starting Slow with Simple Exponential Smoothing You Might Have a Trend Working with time series data, detecting trends and seasonal patterns, and forecasting with exponential smoothing Future time series data can and will look different than the data you've observed before. Getting Acquainted with Time Series Data As mentioned earlier in this chapter, data like this-observations over regular time intervals-is called time series data.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: داده های سری های زمانی

شبکه مترجمین ایران

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